Thursday, May 13, 2010

Fight Gone Bad/Benchmark

6:30 - CrossFit
Pass-throughs x10
Rotator Cuff WU
IR stretch 3/arm (hold for at least 5 seconds
Push ups x15
Sit-ups x15
Lunges x 10 (5/leg)
Straight leg box stretch
Samson Stretch

"Fight Gone Bad" - 3 rnds for total reps
1 minute per station/meovement. Clock does not stop between stations. 1 minute rest between rnds.          Keep total reps
- Squat
- deadlift
- push press
- Rest
7:30 CrossFit Volleyball
Pass throughs x10
Rotator Cuff Warm-up
IR stretch
Jump rope x30
Perfect Stretch
Shuttle Run (on court) End Line (EL)/3 mtr/EL/Half court/EL/far 3mtr/EL/whole court
Inch worm x 5
Samson Stretch

Skill: Front Squat/Deadlift

WOD: Benchmark/ Baseline
25 Deadlifts (5/8lbs/)
20 squats
15 sit-sups
10 push-ups
5 pull ups rows

Rest 5 minutes/ Repeat

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Breaking the American Record 10K time

All of you need to see this: A guy who only ran 5k's and trained for 5k's runs a 10,000 (10K) race and DESTROYS the American Record. He also weighs 161 of the heaviest people to run this race.

"Isn't it interesting that a guy who trains faster, shorter distances and carries more muscle enters a race and SMOKED thinner, lighter guys who train for longer distances?" - quote from Ownerof Next Generation CrossFit

Monday, May 10, 2010

Deadlifts, sumos and cleans

6:30 Class - CrossFit @ ORU
Warmup: x2
Pass throughs x10
bear crawl down
crab walk back
squat x10
sit-ups x10
supermans x10
perfect stretch x2/leg

Skill: Deadlift/Sumo Deadlift High Pulls/ cleans

WOD: AMRAP 7 minutes (go as heavy as possible on rows and deadlifts)
4 renegade rows
6 deadlifts
8 Burpee box jumps (16"/20)"

Jackie - 4 runds/ 25#/20"
Jerry - 3 rnds - 30#/14"
Lori - 4 rnds + 1 burpee/ 20"
Ana - 4 rnds/20#/20"
Britni - 4rnds + 1 deadlift/16"
Amanda - 4 rnds/15#/12"

7:30 - CrossFit Volleyball @ ORU
4 square jog w/ side shuffle (3x's/ faster each time)
Pass-throughs x10
Jump Rope x20
Push-ups x10(learn form)
Foundation #1 - Squat
Perfect Stretch

Base #'s: (3 attempts)
- Standing Vertical (3 attempts)
- Standing broad jump(3 attempts)

Tabata box jumps
8 rounds (RNDS) 20 seconds on/10 seconds off
as many reps as possible.

Emily D: 6.4/6.1/77 reps
Josie: 8.8/6.5/74 reps
Lauren: 8.7/7.1/69 reps
Bailey: 7.10/6.10/61 reps
Emily B: 8.6/5.11/61 reps
Audrey: 7.3/5.5/62 reps
Sofia: 8.6/6.8/69 reps
Amy: 8.2/6.6/62 reps

Good first night!