Thursday, November 18, 2010

lift, jump

Warm -up
Pass-Throughs x 10
Overhead Stretch/Shoulder mobility on dance bar
Jump Rope x30
Bear Crawl down
Crab Walk back
Upright Squat Press out (2 minutes)

2 Rounds
Sit-ups x 10
Squats x 10
Handstand Hold for time
Perfect Stretch x 2/leg

5/7 RFT
Deadlifts x 10
Box Jumps (20/24")

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

lift, lunge, jump

warm up:
shoulder reset with dumbbells x 2 min
pass throughs x10
rotator cuff warm up
standing overhead stretch/squat hold overhead press
perfect stretch x2 min/leg
Pigeon Pose x 2 min/leg

Pushups x15 (hands off the ground)
OH Squats x15 with barbell
Jump Rope x15
Pull-ups x10

5/7 RFT
9 straight leg deadlifts
15 Overhead lunges
21 Line Jumps