Thursday, June 24, 2010

Run N Burp/3-6-9

6:30 CrossFit
Farmers Walk(run) (65#/35# DB) 50m
-Run forward going down/run backwards coming back/forward going down/backwards to end line to finish
7:30 CrossFit Volleyball
AMRAP 3 min/ 3 rnds - w/ 1 min. rest between rounds
3 deadlifts (35#)
6 Push Press (20#/15#)
9 burpees

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

FGB/Tabata This

6:30 CrossFit
FGB: 3 rounds
1minute per exercise. Move from movement to movement. The clock does not stop between exercises and there is a 1 minute rest between rounds. Keep TOTAL Reps

DB Thrusters (10#/12#)
DB SDHP (25#/35#)
Box Jump (16/20)
DB Push Press (25#/35#)
Jumping Pullups
7:30 CrossFit Volleyball
Tabata This
8 rounds of 20 sec on/10 sec off. Rest 1 minute between exercises
Lowest rep count of the 8 rounds is your score per exercises

Jumping Pullups