Thursday, December 9, 2010

time for rep

Shoulder Mobility on bar
Pass throughs
Overhead band stretch (drop down/standing)
Calf Stretch on wall
Perfect Stretch

2 rounds
Squats x 20
Push ups x 15
sit ups x 10
pull ups x 5

WOD: 3 rounds
Each round is 4 minutes long. You will run a 200 meter run and then complete a movement for max reps with the remaining time.
There is 1 minute rest between sets.

Round 1 - DB Deadlift
Round 2 - DB Hang Squat Cleans
Round 3 - DB Push Press

Score is determined by number of total reps performed.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lunge, swing

"Shoulder Reset x2Min
Rotator Cuff Warm-up
Passthroughs x10
Cat Scratchersx 2
Squat Press-out x2 Min
OHS x15

2 Rounds
box jumps x10
squats x15
supermans x 20

2 Min Max Reps Push-up; 
1 min rest
2 Min Max Reps Sit-ups

WOD: 3/5 rounds for time of:
45/30 pound dumbbell, walking lunge, 10 alternating steps
45/30 pound Kettlebell/Dumbell swing, 15 reps