Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Push, Lunge, Jump/TGU

Warm-up x 2 rounds
Pass throughs x10
OH stretch x2/arm
Sit-ups x15
push-ups x 15 (hands off floor)
pull-ups x15
Squats x15
Shoulder Mobilization
Perfect Stretch x2/leg

Mechanics: Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

10 DB Push Jerk (sub press if needed)
10 DB Lunges (same weight/5per leg)
30 DU/50 Singles

Mobility: Hip Range/Adductor/Scap stretch

For Time:
30 Turkish Get-ups (go as heavy as possible without sacrificing form)

1 comment:

  1. Modified Push Ups -As I read your blog post, I couldn’t help but think of the Push Up Bench as the most effective way for people who struggle with push ups , to be able to do them correctly (with full range of motion). Most modified push ups make them easier but only allow one or two variations. The Push Up Bench has 11 different levels to work through on the way to a full push up.
