Thursday, September 9, 2010


Warm-up x 2
Pass throughs x10
Supermans x10
Sit -ups x10 (Military style)
Lunges x5/leg (10)
Pull-ups x10
Hand Stand Hold x 20seconds

shoulder range
Couch stretch for leg and psoas

6:30 -
Mechanics: DL/SDHP/Med Ball Clean

10 med ball cleans (10#)
12 KB swings (20#)
15 push ups (chest to ground)

7:30 -
Strength - Push Press 5x5 (80% of 1RM)

30 Du / 60 singles
25 Weighted Squats (Weight bar)
20 Push ups (hands off floor at bottom)
15 KB Swings (55/35#)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Death by AMRAP

2 rounds
Pass throughs x10
Bear Crawl
Inch Worm x3
Shoulder Mobilization (Just 1 time)
Crab Walk
OH Squat x10
Situps x10 (OR K2E)
Perfect Stretch x2/leg (just 1 time)

Mechanics: Deadlift/SDHP/Clean

10 min AMRAP
SDHP x12
Push Press x9
Jumping Pullups x6

Mob: Psaos Standing Stretch

15 min AMRAP
200 m run
24"/20" box jump x 12
Strict Press x6 (75% of 3 rep max)