Easter Sunday is this weekend. A time to celebrate the eternal rising of Jesus Christ. Even more so, a time to celebrate the fact that if we just ask, we can be forgiven of all the crap we have ever done and can have eternal life with Him since He has conquered the grave. I am far from perfect in every way...and I am so thankful that in spite of those potentially fatal flaws, they will not be because Christ died for me on the cross.
This WOD is In remembrance of Christs death: his beating, his carrying of the cross, his crucifixion and his rising! It surely wasn't easy for Him, so you should know this will not be easy either.
30 KB swings
Walking Lunge with weight on back (25 meters)
10 Turkish Get-ups (5/arm)
Walking Lunge with weight on back (25 meters)
10 Strict Pullups
30 burpees