Thursday, September 16, 2010


NOTE: Bring your jump ropes and Lacrosse balls tonight

Warm up:
Pass throughs x20
Shoulder mobilization @ 30sec/arm
Samson Stretch @ 30sec/leg
Flex/IR stretch @ 30sec/leg
(2 times on each stretch)

2 Rounds:
Sit-ups (military style OR K2E) x 10
Pull-ups x 10
Lunges x 10 (5/leg)
DU x10 (Must be double unders if you can do one at a time)

Mechanics: Press/Push Press/ Push Jerk

SWOD: Push Press - 1x20 (50% of 1RM)

AMRAP (10 min. for 6:30/ 20 min. for 7:30)

Burpees x5
Push Press x10
SDHP x15

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Push, Lunge, Jump/TGU

Warm-up x 2 rounds
Pass throughs x10
OH stretch x2/arm
Sit-ups x15
push-ups x 15 (hands off floor)
pull-ups x15
Squats x15
Shoulder Mobilization
Perfect Stretch x2/leg

Mechanics: Press/Push Press/Push Jerk

10 DB Push Jerk (sub press if needed)
10 DB Lunges (same weight/5per leg)
30 DU/50 Singles

Mobility: Hip Range/Adductor/Scap stretch

For Time:
30 Turkish Get-ups (go as heavy as possible without sacrificing form)