Friday, April 1, 2011

Sunday Run Day

750 m run
150 sit-ups
150 back extensions (Supermans)
750 m run

You must perform all sit-ups before moving on to back extensions
Sit-ups are crossfit style: full-range of motion, feet may be anchored, do not have to perform military style.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Crossfit OPEN Sectionals Wod #2

Mobility: Standard + hamstring stretch
Dynamics (1 round with Bear crawls/cat scratchers)
15 min AMRAP
9 deadlifts (155/100#)
12 Strict Push-ups (hands off floor)
15 box jumps (24/20"--full open hip)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Shoulder Reset
OH stretch
External rotation stretch
Tricep stretch (band or wall)
Couch Stretch
Bulgarian Squat

Dynamics: x2
Standard (NO PULL-UPS)
Sub in - Handstand holds (20 seconds)

95/65# Front Squat -10
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 9
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 8
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 7
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 6
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 5
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 4
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 3
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 2
3 strict pullups
95/65# Front Squat - 1
3 strict pullups