Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thursday Fun Day

Warm up:
200m jog
perfect stretch 2x30sec.
Flexion/IR 20sec each leg
shoulder mobility
OH stretch
Lat/Tri stretch
Bottom of squat (4 minutes)

2 rounds
Jump Rope x20
sit-ups x10 (military)
push ups x10(hands off floor)
Supermans x10
Lunges x10 (5 per leg)

6:30: Mechanics - Deadlift/SDHP/Clean
7:30: SWOD - DB Push Press (1,1,1,1,1) Set New PR by at least 5lbs.

WOD: AMRAP (8/12 min)
5 DB Deadlifts
5 burpees with box jump
7 Hang Squat Cleans
7 Push Press
9 sit-ups

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday DOUG!

For my birthday present, Jerimiah Childress destroyed my in a WOD this morning and is now going to coach my evening classes for me. He is the Head Trainer for CrossFit Tulsa and very knowledgeable in form and function. Come out and learn a lot from this guy tonight. I will be back on Thursday.


Passthroughs x10
Shoulder Mobility
OH stretch
Lat/Tricep Stretch
Perfect Stretch x2/leg
Samson Stretch x2/leg
Hamstring box stretch x2/leg
Inch worm with push up x5
Lunges x10 (5/leg)
TGU x10 (5/arm)
Handstand hold x 10.20 seconds

6:30: Mechanics - Deadlift/SDHP/Clean with PVC
7:30: SWOD; Push Press 1x20 @65% of 1RM

WOD: For Time (Scale 6:30 members)
35 Squats
35 Push-ups
35 Sit-ups
35 Jump ropes
35 Push Press
35 Straight leg raises
35 KB Swings
35 pull ups (supine or assisted)
35 Burpees