Monday, May 17, 2010

Run, Sit, Push, Pull/ Sit, Lift, Press

6:30 CrossFit @ ORU
Warm -up -
Pass throughs x10
Bear crawl
Crab walk
Lunes x10
Medball-partner warm up:
Overhead toss x10
Rotation toss Left/Right x10 Each
2-arm thrust x10
Perfect Stretch x4/leg
Samson stretch x2/leg

400 m run
40 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 supine pull ups (feet on box)
7:30 - CrossFit Volleyball @ ORU
2 laps around the track
Perfect Stretch x2/leg
Pass-throughs x10
Rotator Cuff WU
Squat x10 (work form and depth)
Deadlift x10 (PVC)- Work form
Push-ups x10
Supermans x15

Skill: Press/Push Press/ Double Unders

WOD - AMRAP 7 minutes
15 weighted Sit-ups (10/12/15 lbs)
12 DB Deadlifts (12/15 lbs)
9 DB Push Press (8/10 lbs)

1 comment:

  1. 6:30 -
    Jerry - 17:35
    Abi - 17:10
    Tina - 15:39
    Ju - 17:30
    Lori - 17:55
    Amanda - 19:10
    Ana - 16:10
    Britni - 18:46
    Tera - 16:10
    Matt - 17:23
    7:30 - Volleyball
    Josie - 8 rnds + 14 SU (8lbs DB)
    Sofia - 8 rnds + 15 SU (10lbs DB)
    Bailey - 8 rnds + 2 DL (8lbs DB)
    Diana - 8 rnds + 14 SU (10lbs DB)
    Emily D - 8 rnds + 15 SU (8lbs DB)
    Amy - 8 rnds + 14 SU (8lbs DB)
