Thursday, January 28, 2010

Push, Squat, Sit

Tonight's workout is as follows:

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 10 minutes

5 push-ups
-chest to ground and full locked out extension at the top
10 squats 
-tight mid section, good lumbar curve, drive hips back and 'sit' into it. Hips below knee joint, weight on heels, drive up through heels. Keep chest 'big' but not straight up and down, you should bend at the hip crease some
15 sit-ups
-all the way down to shoulders touching the floor, all the way up to chest to knees (full range of motion)

Work for 10 minutes solid, take breaths and breaks where needed and complete as many rounds of the triplet as you can. 1 Round is the whole 5/10/15.

Good luck and post your rounds completed to the comments
